• Accessing this BBS

    From LaF0rge to All on Wed Dec 18 01:00:25 2024
    Hi all!

    If you remember BBSs from back in the day: The only method to access them was to dial their phone number from a Modem or ISDN Terminal Adapter.

    The software used by this C3BBS is Synchronet, one of the few still very actively maintained and developed BBS software packages. Its developers have taken the rather unorthodox and modern approach of implementing virtually any much more modern (internet based) protocol.

    This means you can access the message base of this BBS not just via the SSH/Telnet based interface or Modem/ISDN dial-up, but you can also access it

    * from a web browser at https://c3bbs.retronetworking.org/
    * via gopher at gopher://c3bbs.retronetworking.org/
    * via NNTP at nntp://c3bbs.retronetworking.org/

    You should be able to authenticate using the same username and password in order to post.

    Please try using your favourite protocol and client program and share your experiences.

    Happy hacking,